African american therapist doctor holding tablet computer with bones radiography discussing medical expertise with sick patient during clinical appointment. Physician working in hospital office

Clinical scenario: Hospital outpatient

Jess works in the breast screening program in their local hospital. They would like to incorporate trauma-informed care principles and provide a safe environment for patients who come in for mammograms.

Jess can build a trauma-informed care practice by using the bold-faced strategies with their patients. The non-bolded options should be avoided, as they will not be helpful.

  • Ask if the client has ever had the procedure or had difficulties with the procedure before
  • Explain the procedure: provide an overall description and also explain why this is being done
  • Show the patient what you are going to do before doing it
  • Ask for permission before touching the patient
  • Do the mammogram quickly before the patient has a chance to get scared
  • Ask what will make the patient more comfortable
  • Tell the patient that you are the expert so they should listen to you and do what you say
  • Check-in regularly throughout the procedure to see how the patient is doing
  • Tell the patient, “Of course, it is going to hurt, but you are a grown-up, right?”