Redefining the culture of care

Recommendations for culture change in healthcare organizations to support healthcare provider mental health and well-being

About Healthcare Salute: Thank you for your service

An ongoing surveillance and knowledge mobilization plan to support the needs of Canadian healthcare providers impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Led by Dr. Margaret McKinnon, Principal Investigator of The Trauma & Recovery Research Unit at McMaster University.

We thank the Veterans Affairs–funded Centre of Excellence on PTSD for a contract to McMaster University and Homewood Health for a very generous $1M donation to Homewood Research Institute that allowed us to generate critical research used to construct this website.

“Maybe it was because of burnout that I felt vulnerable”

Stories of COVID’s hidden crisis: moral injury and healthcare providers. A national video interview series

Resource centre

Coping with moral injury & moral distress

A self-directed learning program designed for point-of-care providers

Coping with stress, trauma, & post-traumatic stress

A self-directed learning program designed for point-of-care providers

Organization recommendations

Practical steps to address the mental health of employees and improve workplace culture

An introduction to trauma-informed care

A self-directed learning program designed for clinicians

Mental health assessment tool

Are you healthy, reacting, injured, or ill?

Redefining the culture of care

Recommendations for culture change in healthcare organizations to support HCP mental health and well-being

Virtual events

  • Administrator with medical team

    Symposium 3: Navigating the fog

    The role of healthcare leaders in supporting provider mental health


  • Team of medical workers wearing personal protective equipment against corona virus outbreak

    Symposium 2: The path toward recovery

    Risk & resilience in healthcare providers


  • Town hall 3: Finding our footing

    Self-care & self-compassion for healthcare providers


  • Coping with losing patient

    Symposium 1: COVID’s hidden crisis

    Moral injury & moral distress in healthcare providers


  • Close up shot of female nurse taking an old man hand while they are sitting on the couch

    Town hall 2: Work life, home life

    The impact of healthcare providers’ role on family & interpersonal relationships


  • Fatigued woman nurse hospital worker surgeon doctor in protective wear

    Town hall 1: Everybody hurts

    Moral injury & moral distress in healthcare providers


About the Trauma & Recovery Research Unit

The Trauma & Recovery Research Unit focuses on reducing the deleterious impact of trauma on individuals and families, fostering scientifically informed approaches to recovery, and post-traumatic growth. We are situated at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario